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Category Archives for "Featured Events"

Opening Keynote at DATA 2014: Design, Art and Tech Awards

I’m thrilled to announce I will be delivering the opening keynote at DATA2014; a summit that epitomizes the work I do celebrating creativity and innovation! Design, Art + Technology Awards Interactive Exhibition and Creative Technologies Summit May 7-8, 2014 ~ Pittsburgh, PA DATA 2014 is a national celebration of creative technologies in Pittsburgh, PA. Founded at […]

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Keynote Speaker: Women Entrepreneurship Retreat 2014

I’m thrilled to announce I will be delivering a keynote at the 3rd annual Women Entrepreneurship Retreat! Friday, April 11 – Sunday, April 13, 2014 Ben Lomond, CA (near Santa Cruz, ~1.5hrs from SF) Capped at an intimate max of 55 rad women, this retreat is geared toward entrepreneurial women starting and/or running smaller organizations (this includes […]

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3 MCing TEDxFidiWomen 2013

On December 5th, I was on stage for two big events. The first of which is I had the honor of MCing TEDxFidiWomen 2013! This is me introducing 9yr old speaker, Vivienne Harr, who has raised over $100,000 with her Make A Stand Lemon Aid to help end child slavery! 2011 I had first attended TEDxFidiWomen, in 2011, which synchronistically […]

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