I’m Grateful for my Spiritual Coach, Mentor and Friend, Jackie Priestley
I first met Jackie Priestley in 1996, shortly after moving to San Francisco. She was the first coach I had ever worked with, and I am beyond grateful our paths crossed so early in my life! Her guidance and wisdom that year provided me with a foundational toolbox that still serves me in my relationship with Spirit, my body and my Self.
Fast forward to roughly a decade later, after launching and running my own business for a few years, and I was called to reach out to Jackie again for support in 2008. I felt overworked and disconnected from my true self, and knew I needed her wisdom and gentle guidance to rekindle my relationship with my body, mind and spirit. Little did I know the challenges and curveballs I would face over the next few years, and I feel so blessed to have had Jackie’s support through some very challenging times, personally and professionally.
As my businesses evolved, and my interest in coaching solidified and matured, it was Jackie who guided me to the Hendricks’ body-centered coaching work that I am now trained and certified in (see below).

My coaching style has been greatly influenced by Jackie, and I wouldn’t have it any other way, as I know it’s through my learning from her that my work is rooted deeply in spirituality and a therapy-style coaching process that is transformational for the individuals I serve.
I have also been honored to coach and support Jackie in return for all the gifts she has given me over the years. In 2012, I coached her through the launch of her first website, and in 2013 we collaborated on co-creating the "Feel Alive" eCourse. What an honor and a joy!
Jackie’s spiritual guidance and mentorship has been incredibly influential on my path to becoming a body- and heart-centered business coach.

I'm updating this page in 2021, and I STILL call on my dear coach, mentor, and friend Jackie to this day when I need deep spiritual and emotional support.
How incredible to have a mentor & coach for 23+ years?!
So blessed!
I’m Grateful for my Teachers and Mentors, Gay & Kathlyn Hendricks
I received my certification as a "Conscious Living and Loving Coach" - now revised to "Big Leap Coach" - through The Hendricks Institute, and it has been one of the greatest learning experiences and honors of my life to study under the tutelage of Gay & Katie Hendricks – the pioneers of body-centered coaching!
Their collective experience and wisdom, along with their masterful and generous teaching styles, have transformed my life and the lives of millions of individuals and relationships around the globe.
In addition to their programs, they have collectively published 36+ books between them. You’ll most likely recognize their best-selling book, Conscious Loving; it’s a classic and a must-read for anyone seeking a conscious, loving relationship.
Additionally, the book I recommend to all of my clients and friends – especially those of you taking big leaps, building the business and life of your dreams – is Gay’s book, The Big Leap.
If you’ve ever heard about ‘working in your zone of genius’ or ‘not upper-limiting yourself’ these are two of the insightful principles Gay puts forth in this brilliant book. I have read it multiple times, and always hear or re-learn something that helps me continue allowing in all the ease and abundance available to us all in this sweet life. Highly recommended!

I’m also so incredibly grateful for all of the beautiful souls I had the honor of meeting and learning with during the Hendricks' trainings. I consider you all mentors, too! The friendships I made and have maintained since the very first training have truly become a family of sorts, and continue to teach me so much. What a gift to be on this journey!
I’m Grateful for my dear friend, client and writing mentor, Laurie Wagner
When I first met Laurie Wagner (in 2011?), I had a deep sense I’d already known her for years. I felt like I’d already been to her house (27 Powers – her magical creative haven!), and that we’d already had long, light-and-easy-but-equally-deep-and-insightful talks over yummy food in her cozy kitchen… which we would eventually do many times over!
Lucky for me, that ingrained feeling, knowing Laurie’s warmth, wisdom and spirit, led to an absolutely incredible friendship and working relationship, on many levels!
First a friend, through mutual connections, Laurie quickly became my writing teacher, mentor, muse and coach… because those are her superpowers! This began during her awesome Wild Writing sessions, which I participated in for several seasons, and continued on in one-on-one sessions as she supported me through feedback/edits on my articles, and through the beginning process of my book.
I also had the honor of supporting Laurie with my superpowers: emotional and strategic support, clarifying and supporting her through launching new offerings on her site, creating more easy and flow in her marketing, hiring on new contractors to scale her business, and more!
Writing and working with Laurie has brought many epiphanies, thanks to her invitation to continually show up to the page, and wildly write. As a result, I’m more attuned to my writing voice and the wisdom flowing through me like never before. I’m so grateful for her friendship, guidance and wise presence in my life!
ENDLESS love-fest tributes
Since creating this page, I have had several more incredible mentors, coaches, friends, and gracious guides on this path.
Thank you to ALL the beautiful beings out there who have impacted my life in any way, big or small.
It is through our exchanges, blissful or painful, that have helped me become the person I am today. I am forever grateful!