MCing TEDxFidiWomen 2013 -

MCing TEDxFidiWomen 2013

On December 5th, I was on stage for two big events.

The first of which is I had the honor of MCing TEDxFidiWomen 2013!

Willo MC Ignite MakeAStandLemonade

This is me introducing 9yr old speaker, Vivienne Harr, who has raised
over $100,000 with her Make A Stand Lemon Aid to help end child slavery!

I had first attended TEDxFidiWomen, in 2011, which synchronistically led to this post about Jennifer Sherman’s inspiring talk, my launching my “Ladypreneur: Women Winning at Work” tumblr, that was then featured in Glamour! Not to mention all of the amazing women I met, and whose words and wisdom impacted me that day.

One of them being the ever-awesome SARK, who I’d met & spent time with way back in ’97 (which is also when/how I met Andrea Scher!), and I was able to relay to her that – inspired by her bio in Creative Companion, that I read while I was living in Boulder – I too now “live in a Magic Cottage with my cat in San Francisco!” :p

The next TEDxFidiWomen I attended (2012), I contributed by designing an animated timeline of ‘Key Events in the Women’s Right’s Movement,’ that played throughout the day in the gallery:

TEDxFidiWomen timeline

As you can see, I’m a big fan, so I was honored to support and contribute again by MCing the event! All of the speakers were *amazing* (you can watch all of their talks here!), not the least of which was the fabulous 9-yo Vivienne who’s on stage with me in that photo above.

In fact, super cool is that I know Vivienne’s parents from way back before they were even married! We were friends in 1998, when Eric was speaking at the Learning Annex, and I was the Events Coordinator there. It was so awesome reconnecting with him & (his now wife!) Alex, and meet their super cool kiddos! So neat how life works that way, huh?

On December 5th I was not only on stage all day MC’ing TEDxFidiWomen, but after dinner I hopped in a cab & cruised over to the Brava Theatre where I hopped on stage and delivered my first Ignite talk! I’ll post about that, with the video of my talk, when it’s published. It was two exciting events in one jam-packed-with-awesome day!

I already have 4 exciting speaking events lined up this year, not to mention my own events/retreats (details coming soon!)… and, yes, I’m definitely planning on delivering my own talk at TEDx as well. Considering how much joy, knowledge and opportunity* they’ve brought my way, it’s about time, huh? 🙂

*In 2012 I also supported sweet Tanya Geisler by designing keynote slides to accompany her brilliant words of wisdom, and we’ve been working together ever since!

Big thanks & kudos to my awesome friends Michelle Fetsch & Gretchen Sweet, for putting on another great year, and here’s to an awesome year ahead!

About the Author

Willo Sana has been empowering entrepreneurs who are standing on the precipice of their next level for over 20 years. An international keynote speaker and sought-after Transformational Business Coach, Willo's experienced and intuitive guidance has served as a catalytic force for visionary business owners around the world. Anticipation is building for Willo's upcoming book, Double Down on Your Genius: Own Your Gifts, Align Your Actions, and Flourish in Your Calling, set to release in 2023.

Leave a Reply 3 comments

Becky Striepe - January 11, 2014 Reply

That rocks, Willo! Congratulations!

    Willo O'Brien - January 11, 2014 Reply

    Thanks, Becky!! <3

Coaching, Co-Creating & MCing #TEDxWanChaiWomen 2015 - WilloLovesYou - May 18, 2017 Reply

[…] had contributed to TEDxFidiWomen events in San Francisco over the last few years, so it was wonderful to find ‘my people’ here, i.e. brilliant […]

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