I’m thrilled to announce I will be delivering a keynote at the 3rd annual Women Entrepreneurship Retreat!
Friday, April 11 – Sunday, April 13, 2014
Ben Lomond, CA (near Santa Cruz, ~1.5hrs from SF)
Capped at an intimate max of 55 rad women, this retreat is geared toward entrepreneurial women starting and/or running smaller organizations (this includes sole proprietors and freelancers).
This year’s theme is Guerilla Business Tactics for Women. Essentially, the art of doing more with less.
“Your competitors are bigger, better funded, and more established than you. That’s when you use every secret, hack, and shortcut you can get your hands on.
Among other things, we’ll talk about secrets for establishing credibility, covert tactics for getting access to the right people, and quick and dirty hacks for doing all sorts of thing you thought you had to pay big money for.
Each of the workshops and keynote talks will address a critical area of business, through the lens of guerrilla tactics. You’ll leave the weekend an empowered rebel, armed with unconventional tools and techniques that aren’t taught in business school. I bet you even have one or two tips of your own to share, don’t you?”
My keynote will be focused around a topic I help many of my coaching/consulting clients with, “Structure & Focus: Implementing Systems for Success.” I’m looking forward to learning and connecting with all the other amazing ladypreneurs there, too!
Join me at this beautiful retreat center in the mountains north of Santa Cruz.