Smart Hiring: Opening Yourself Up to the Right Person -

Smart Hiring: Opening Yourself Up to the Right Person

Hiring someone to work on your heart-centered business alongside you is SO personal that it can feel like a tall order to find the right fit. You need – and DESERVE – to work with awesome team members that support you and your business. However, if you’ve been burnt before or are already stretched to the max, the process can feel incredibly daunting!

The good news is, when it comes to energy, emotions and strategies that get you back in the flow – you’ve come to the right place!

At the beginning of this year, I was hiring for a new Online Business Manager and my friend Michael Light – an incredible soul who published a book this year all about using intuition in your business, reached out & requested to feature me as a case study.

I’ve worked with Michael before, so here you’ll get to see how I surrender to his process completely as he brings me through an awesome intuitive process that really helps me get a clear picture of kind of person I wanted to call in for this position. We also examined some of my hiring scars from the past that were blocking me or pulling me into negative repetitive cycles.

He also walks through my job advertisement, which will make an awesome template if you’re hiring in the future as it highlights a lot of key areas you may not think to mention!

Part 1: Smart Hiring: Job ad breakdown

Part 2: Smart hiring: Hiring scar laser healing

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UPDATE: Shortly after this I found my amazing Online Business Manager, who has not only been an absolutely incredible addition to my team and has transformed many aspects of my business for the better(!!), but the entire process has completely renewed my faith in what is possible with this method.

The clearing Michael did with me TOTALLY worked, as I opened myself and called in the best fit for my new assistant/OBM I could have ever dreamed of. She’s even gone on to hire an additional person on my team who is also a phenomenal fit. YES!!

Be sure to grab Michael’s book, Intuitive Leadership Mastery: How a CEO Doubled Profits and Halved Stress. It examines how you can hone your intuition and ‘listen to your gut’ and has many stories from successful business owners on how it’s benefited them.

Michael also shares one of his signature questions that has dramatically helped me in my business:

What Would it Take? (WWIT)

  • What would it take for you to find the most ideal team member(s)?
  • What would it take to make hiring easy?

We talk about this powerful question in another short video here.

As you can see from our sessions, Michael is incredibly wise in all things energy, intuition and intention. Highly recommend picking up his book!

Heart-Centered Hiring

For entrepreneurs like us, hiring new team members can be such a deep, intimate process and often requires a lot of introspection on our part:

  • WHAT exactly do I need?
  • WHO brings out the best in me?
  • WHY did previous hires not work out?
  • WHERE in my business/working process do I need the greatest support?
  • WHEN will I feel comfortable handing parts of my business to another person?

Phew, there are a lot of things just in that small list that require deep honesty or reflection from you. But it’s all necessary if you want to hire someone who is a true fit and YOU DESERVE THAT!

Don’t tell yourself you can compromise on things you can’t or that you’re expecting too much by wanting certain things from a new hire. You need people who can support you just as well as you support and serve others – and that person is out there!

It’s not just romantic relationships that require you to open yourself up, trust, break down those carefully constructed walls and overcome (sometimes unconscious) obstacles! When creative, heart-centered entrepreneurs like us invite someone to be a part of our business – a business built around our awesome gifts and a deep desire to serve others – we’re inviting them into our hearts.

And that also means leaving yourself open to disappointment.

You’re putting your time and energy and care into another person who may turn out to be amazing…. or they may not be on your wavelength which means they aren’t as in-tune with your needs and desires. Or they may have tons of experience, but no real passion when it comes to their job… which most likely means they’re not working in their zone of genius either, which can be more of an energy suck than life-giving!

The Importance of Having Faith in Yourself

If you listen to your intuition and trust your heart, you have a great chance of hiring someone wonderful. If you are honest with yourself and invite and welcome that same honesty from the people you interview, you’ll know when someone is on your energy wavelength.

One big mistake many entrepreneurs make – and I discuss this in my session with Michael – is hiring someone with ALL the experience who talks a big, confident game (I’ve made that mistake myself!). For example, we assume that the applicant with years of technical experience is the asset we need… and they’re really confident in this area, too. But the REALLY important thing we need be looking out for is the right attitude.

A person lacking in experience can always learn the skills we need them to learn, but if they don’t share our vision or passion for the work we’re doing, that’s when the cracks appear.

As Michael wisely says:

It’s always much easier to train a skill than it is to change an attitude. [Click to Tweet This!]

Michael Light

Get To Know Yourself Before Getting To Know Your Applicants

After 15+ years as an entrepreneur, I want to work with people who really get me; people who are willing to turn up and support me in my business. I’ve realized that I shouldn’t be afraid to ask and expect certain things from the people I hire. I deserve that amazing piece for my puzzle and another person’s passion, enthusiasm and spirit!

Working with people who get our vibes is how we do our best work and that’s the whole point of bringing someone onto your team. They should lift you up, not bring you down – the trick is to find someone who brings out the best in you and can also gain something themselves from that working relationship, like happiness and fulfillment!

I really hope enjoyed expanding your insight and knowledge after watching my session with Michael because I gained A LOT by doing it! Don’t forget to check out his book on Amazon for more practices and processes that can help you on your hiring journey.


About the Author

Willo Sana has been empowering entrepreneurs who are standing on the precipice of their next level for over 20 years. An international keynote speaker and sought-after Transformational Business Coach, Willo's experienced and intuitive guidance has served as a catalytic force for visionary business owners around the world. Anticipation is building for Willo's upcoming book, Double Down on Your Genius: Own Your Gifts, Align Your Actions, and Flourish in Your Calling, set to release in 2023.

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