From Scarcity to Abundance: Willo Sana on the Abundology Podcast -

From Scarcity to Abundance: Willo Sana on the Abundology Podcast

I was recently interviewed on the Abundology podcast... ​to talk about one of my favorite topics: Abundance Mindset!

The Abundology Podcast features abundance conversations and weekly energy updates to ​create more ​love, joy, and money in your life. 

Renee Spears is the host - an Abundologist that helps people ​manifest more money, time, joy, and love in their lives.

It was a pleasure to have such a powerful conversation and bring even more awareness to ​the power of the Scarcity and Abundance Mindsets!

In our interview, we get deep on how to move from Scarcity to Abundance... sharing a little about our own journeys and the actions we take to keep ourselves ​in the abundant mindset!

Some of the other topics we cover are:

  • Competition and comparison at work
  • ​What are the most common scarcity mindset traps
  • How to bring awareness within 
  • Fear of being too good
  • Learning how to trust and let go
  • What are the scarcity patterns that shows up
  • Choosing to keep yourself in the abundance mindset
  • How to acknowledge your feelings

Check out the full episode & show notes at The Abundology Podcast (on Podbean). 

Thanks so much for having me, Renee! Absolutely loved it. 

About the Author

Willo Sana has been empowering entrepreneurs who are standing on the precipice of their next level for over 20 years. An international keynote speaker and sought-after Transformational Business Coach, Willo's experienced and intuitive guidance has served as a catalytic force for visionary business owners around the world. Anticipation is building for Willo's upcoming book, Double Down on Your Genius: Own Your Gifts, Align Your Actions, and Flourish in Your Calling, set to release in 2023.