resource Archives - WilloLovesYou

Tag Archives for " resource "

7 Fear around setting goals

Between developing my Set Goals, Get Organized and Take Action e-course and publishing my Mighty Life List, I have been thinking about goals a lot lately. Specifically, how it can be really scary to set goals. Which is weird, when I think about it, because really they’re just goals. What’s so scary about writing down […]

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4 WilloToons Connect Episode Two: Meet Mati Rose!

Hey, guess what!? My second full-length episode is live, featuring one of my favorite artists, Mati Rose McDonough! As a full-time artist and painter, Mati (prounounced like “Arrg, Matey”) has great advice on staying connected to your creativity while running a business. Furthermore, talking to Mati about her creative process is so inspiring. Not only […]

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