I Love My Clients! ~ WilloLovesYou.com

I Love My Clients!

I've had the great honor of working with some of the most
brilliant and big-hearted souls in all the land!

Thanks to the power of technology, I'm able to connect and support Conscious Creators all over the world – San Francisco, Portland, Denver, Ottawa, Toronto, New York, Paris, Melbourne, Hong Kong and more! Here's a little peek into our transformational work together...

Working with Willo helped shift my career and life decisions. I created a global life--using San Francisco as a hub for working and living all over the world. I started writing for Fast Company, O'Reilly Radar, and other publications. I taught and lectured at grad schools from CCA to NYU. And I am now completing my first book.

In short: I chose exploration and love over resumes, and I became more myself in the process. This year, I have followed my heart completely -- thanks in no small part to conversations with Willo.

Leah HunterFast Company Writer + Author of "the future (vol. 1)."
Amber Adrian Writer & Intuitive Channeler, AmberAdrian.com

My brain was on an “Aaarggg, how can I make money doing my stuff? Who can I ask for help?” loop, and Willo's name was the first to pop to my mind. It's one of my greatest fears that I'll end up doing something that I don't feel fully aligned with or that will drain the life out of me, so I was deeply excited to find a way to begin doing what I love in the world and having it earn actual money. Willo is a joy to work with. In our first session, she picked up my scattered talents and interests, and handed me a business I didn't even know I had. In our second session, she gave me a platter of different income streams to try and, after implementing the first, I doubled my mailing list in one day… and tripled it in a week!

Before I started working with Willo I was very nervous about how much the Momentum + Abundant Expansion program would push me - emotionally and financially. I knew Willo was an amazing coach, and worked with high profile clients. I had some self doubt around if I was of the right caliber of client to be able to work with her, but now that I am working with her, I’ve realized that I am of the right caliber. One of my favorite parts about working with Willo is her calm, patient presence, and intuitive ability to guide me in my business. Guided by my heart, and the council of my Etheric Business Advisory Board, I don’t do well following a strict format. Willo gracefully and easily rolls with my intuitive guidance, and never makes me feel weird or strange. Our work together has impacted my life and my business by allowing me to play big. I feel like I have grown up so much as a business owner, and as a presence in the world, actively moving forward toward what I want to create in my life with solid, simple steps.

Rachael Webb Spiritual Coach & Business Advisor, SoulStarMedicine.com
Nicole Belanger Writer, Speaker &
Media Maker,

Working with Willo is like a supportive hug from a dear friend, combined with access to a wise encyclopedia of (current and relevant) business knowledge. Through our work together, I have come to know myself as a deeply intuitive creative, an insightful strategic thinker, and an architect of possibility. And that is truly priceless.

Willo and I had not worked together before and I had never had a coach before, so there were a lot of unknowns. I was afraid I would not know the right questions to ask at the beginning to make sure we were on the same page going in. But Willo was super smart and quick to see loopholes, possibilities and areas for me to focus on in my business. She was extremely supportive and committed to helping me through my launch. I love Willo’s warm, generous spirit and sharp mind; her ability to cut through the crap and focus on the thing that is most important and she has lots of ideas about how to approach them.

Kelli Pearson Speaker, Author
& Educator,
Sukhjit Ghag Experienced Content & Community Pro,

I needed guidance on how to change things in my life, specifically at work and I knew Willo had experience with the type of companies and roles that made sense for me. Willo is steeped in both culture and philosophy of startups, creatives and technology.

Working with Willo doesn't seem like work - it's like a power boost! Kind of like the energy I get with the best yoga class. After a chaotic day, she’s like bright light restoring balance and peace of mind. I love having Willo in my corner!

Before Willo and I started working together I feared exposing my soft spots, being seen and judged, and not being good enough to receive coaching from a person that works with very successful people from all around the world. From our first session together I realized that it is an intimate commitment to work with a coach that not only challenges me, but also supports me in being my greatest self. Willo always gave me time and space to do things at my own pace - mentally, spiritually and physically. Over the initial six months, I experienced tremendous growth, and continue to grow with Willo’s support and patience.

Willo is an extraordinary coach that supports people as the whole person that they are - mind, body and spirit.

Kristina Louise Hair Designer, Visionary & Founder wabisabibeauty.com
Nancy King PeopleMover,

On my own it was becoming almost impossible to build a process for my business, and allow me to have less noise in my brain. I needed someone to help me start moving in the right direction, and Willo was that person. Being the perfect combination of coach and project manager for my career, Willo pushed me to make decisions, and then stick with them. I feel like I now have an independent view of my business from someone who cares about it, and can be honest with me.

If you have trouble reaching your business goal, or struggle with time management, Willo becomes your temporary voice of reason, solid sounding board and supporter to help you achieve success.

Before I started working with Willo I was very scared of being stuck, of not being able to handle what I had to deal with, of exploding as a result of bad management of my own reality and difficulties. I needed a change, a new beginning, and a new energy flowing even though I was too consumed with the process to be able to allow any of that to flourish. Willo helped me realize that there were techniques already inside myself to help me cope with my difficulties and overcome my struggles. She taught me how to honour the process which in turn helped me deal with my hardest moments, and how to be gentle and kind with myself.

Carmen Vela MaldonadoArtist & Creative Director, 
Annie NussbaumWriter/Photographer

After I started working with Willo, I realized that I was passionate about writing, and that I could turn my passion into a career. From calls to emails, Willo supported me and allowed me to discuss my anxieties and successes. She made sure that I remained focused, and was being true to what I wanted for my career. Willo became more than just my career coach, but a life coach and mentor too. She helped me realize my full potential while making sure I listened to my inner voice.

Thank you so much for our coaching session today, it really was amazing. I feel like you have shown me such a new perspective on things that I've never seen before. I'm so excited to do this work with you and you have the best and most loving energy. I feel like I haven't seen this much clarity in the past four months of therapy. I'm so grateful!

Cariann NeslerCo-Founder & Creative Director, Cargoh.com
Kirthi NathIndependent Filmmaker, CinemagicalMedia.com

How am I? Amazing, great, energized with a bounce in my step and love in my heart. Why? I just had a coaching call with Willo O'Brien. If you want support to re-connect with your best self in ways that are creative, playful, profound and action-oriented, reach out to Willo and let the magic begin!

One thing that stands out happened in the first few minutes of our first session! I was not incredibly grounded or present, you sensed that, slowed me down, and we did a visualization, and that experience still speaks to me today! I used much of what you did with me in session with my own new coaching business and gained a new coaching client. Simple, but huge. I now am living out writing 500 words a day, five days a week, on top of my full counseling schedule and have launched an app called rTribe for porn/sex addiction. Willo helped me dream bigger and go for what felt like crazy goals.

Josh KalsbeekLMFT, rTribe.org, JoshKalsbeek.com
Karrie Myers TaylorHead Video Editor, Videokard

I am a true renaissance woman; I have lots of interests and I often turn those interests into businesses. But, the hardest part of my job is remembering I’m a human being and not a machine. That’s why I need Willo. As a longtime, freelance businessperson herself, Willo has a deep understanding of the struggles I face to make sure self-care is also a part of my daily agenda. She has tackled this beast herself. I am happy to vent, but at the end of that conversation, I want guidelines and direction of where to go next. Willo offers insight and nurturing, but also verbal and written guides that really work. And she makes the whole thing light, fun and introspective, instead of like an hour in a therapy session.

After working with Willo, I was able to structure the way I work and how much time I work in a completely different way, ensuring I don’t burn out or resent turning my creative skills into a business. We worked together to understand the psychology of why I work the way I do, and she helped me understand that spending a few hours hiking alone were just as beneficial to my business as taking on another client task.

I would recommend Willo over and over again, not just to a businesswoman or entrepreneur, but also to someone who is switching careers or overall gears in their life. She has the caring instinct to guide you through your most overwhelming plateaus, but also the business background and no-nonsense skills to get you back on course. She’s not just a personal cheerleader; she’s an innovator and a re-invigorator. I wish everyone was born with a personal Willo! Success would come so much faster!

Working with Willo is a dream come true and I’ll tell you why. You talk, you sputter, you spew ideas, waving your hands around, “I don’t know if it’s possible,” you wail, “I mean, I just don’t know what I’m doing!” “We got this, ” she assures you. And she means it. She’s got it – girl knows what she’s doing! You my friend are in good hands. Kindness meets ability meets integrity meets smarts and talent. Do not, I repeat, do not take on a project without her!

Laurie WagnerWriter & Teacher, 27Powers.org
Jackie PriestleyTransformational Coach

For over a period of three years I had wanted to create my website for my business. This seemed like a fairly easy thing to do. I needed to write a few things about myself and the work that I do. Well… time and time again I would do my best to create this important piece of my business. Finally, after promising myself too many times, I decided to hire Willo. Willo supported me in so many ways. She used an amazing combination of kindness, patience and accountability which allowed me to explore the deeper reasons I was stuck and at the same time she guided me and supported me in creating specific goals for the completion of my project. It felt like giving birth to this creative part in me that wanted to emerge and yet doing it alone was simply not happening for me. Willo brought humor, fun, and excitement to my process which allowed me to tap into my authentic expression. Her intuitive questions guided me back to my truth that I was then able to articulate. I had become so frustrated with my own process I had lost the bigger vision of what I wanted to create. Willo’s guidance and support opened the space for me to get playful with my ideas rather than feeling stuck and critical about my process.

I can honestly say that my website was above and beyond anything I ever imagined. I am still in awe of how she guided me through my process. It has been over 6 months since Willo and I completed my project, and it feels like the work she did with me opened me up to a part of me that I had closed off many years ago. I love my website and even more — I love the renewed faith in my creative process. Willo – I will be forever grateful!!

Willo gets creative entrepreneurs, because she is one. What I enjoyed most about working with her was the passion she has for the creative process, but also a deep understanding for the hard work and dedication it takes to bring big ideas to life. I'm constantly inspired by the community she has built, and always meet wonderful, colorful, beautiful freaks when we're together. Willo is the first person I recommend when friends are looking for a coach to help them take important steps in life.

Chikodi ChimaMission Control
Rahaf HarfoushStrategist & NYT Best-Selling Author RahafHarfoush.com

So much of what we fear is just built up anxiety from our brains and not the reality. We are often our harshest critics, and it's self-care not self-doubt that help us move forward.

Willo is an emotionally safe space that translates your doubts into opportunities for growth and amplifies the whispers of your confidence until you can do it yourself.

Willo cares about the same things I do: balance, loving life, making work something that you love and giving it your best. And, because she specializes in working with creative entrepreneurs, she understands where I’m coming from! Willo helped me focus at each step of the process to stay tapped into what I was really, truly passionate about. When I started to wander astray, she brought me back to my purpose and passion. When I wasn’t sure what to focus on, she helped me align my vision with my actions.

My main goal was to get moving forward with my new business and get past a “point of no return” where I knew my new business would thrive, and that’s exactly where she got me. Now things are moving, I’m getting speaking opportunities, interviews, new clients aligned with my vision and have just filled my first group program!

Kathy PineInspired Entrepreneur
& Life Designer
Eden SteinOwner and Curator of Secession Art & Design

Willo has supported my soul searching and desire for more efficiency. She comes with a big set of tech and emotional tools to help with any situation. She has been an active listener, where others have dropped the ball, she found solutions to both big and small questions. Willo understands how fast social media and technology are changing and helps you stay ahead. Because of her, I am moving faster toward my long term goals and can see the light at the end of the tunnel. With Willo as my business coach, I feel more successful with life and customers.

Willo helped me put a much better structure in place for invoicing and time tracking. She’s also given me more clarity around my value and offerings, which has helped me stop giving away so much of my work and my time, and start charging for it. 

Willo is full of heart, and is always loving no matter where I am. She understands the creative mind, and the creative business, which is so helpful!

Evelyn AtchleyPrincipal,
Fulcrum Design, FulcrumDesign.net
Donna CornishPersonal Stylist & Entrepreneur, StylingByDonna.com

When I met Willo and learned she had a thriving business - coaching creative individuals and helping them achieve success - I knew I wanted to work with her!

I was experiencing the usual feelings most small business owners start out with - fear of failure, lack of confidence, motivation and experience - coupled with hopeful feelings of excitement, enthusiasm and adventure, “Maybe I can create a successful, profitable business?” Once I jumped into the cold, murky waters I was fearful of, it all started to become clear.

With Willo’s effervescent, energetic personality, and her experience and passion in what she does best - empowering creative entrepreneurs to thrive in life and business - I was more confident than ever to give it a go.

Willo not only helped me integrate two previously disjointed businesses, selling jewellery and wine, but working with Willo helped me take the big leap to also offering Personal Styling & Image Consulting - which is something I’ve wanted to do for a very long time. I now have a business that includes all three of my passions!

Willo is a lifesaver, and was definitely born to do what she does as a career. If I could have her coach me every day for the rest of my life, that would be awesome! She shows so much passion and genuine excitement to help people achieve their goals and dreams. She has shown me that I can be successful at anything I put my mind to. I always look forward to our sessions!

Well worth investing the time and money if you are starting something new or are ready to grow your business. I highly recommend Willo to help you get there!

Working with Willo has given me the confidence to carve out my own path in life and business. Willo has taught me how to say yes to opportunities in line with my overall vision and most importantly, to say NO to things or people who may be the wrong fit or that do not serve me well. I thought hard work meant a lot of suffering. Willo has shown me how in fact it is possible to be more balanced, abundant and thriving positively in business. I can choose to do what I love more!

Faith LantzWeb Developer & Entrepreneur, ColourCode.hk
Allison HeiliczerPsychotherapist
& Founder
Rethink the Couch

Years ago, I had a dream to actualize my business idea, Rethink the Couch. I met Willo soon after, and although we only spoke briefly, I knew Rethink the Couch would best be hatched under her guidance!

I turned down a very linear path to pursue a business idea that doesn't have any guarantees... which was (and still feels) very scary! However, working with Willo has opened my eyes to what’s possible–the glories and the demands–being an entrepreneur. I have a new appreciation for how much focus and dedication launching a business takes, and have learned creativity is both a blessing and a responsibility.

On a more visceral level, our work together has knocked down a lot of my defences. Prior to this work, a lot of my defences would show up in dreams, and now my psyche seems to be knocking hard during the daytime. This exemplifies the multitudinous levels on which she operates.

Working with Willo, you get more than just a Business Coach. You will be dazzled and loved, and you will feel like working your ass off, because disappointing Willo feels like refusing the biggest hug of your life. She has a sharp intuition, huge heart, and a fearless commitment to her work and yours.

There is only one Willo. She is a coach with a glowing soul who refuses to allow others to become dim. I am very grateful I met Willo. She is a rare blend of heart, head, and soul, and she does a fantastic job supporting me and our small group coaching circle.

I hired Willo to support me in doing some online teaching.

She was relentlessly helpful in moving things forward, helping me work through my resistance, providing customized resources, helping with great ideas, and normalizing setbacks and glitches.

I couldn't have asked for better support, and would definitely work with her again!

Marcy SwensonLeadership Coach
Cynthia Gunsinger
Certified Coach & Communicator Gunsinger.com

Willo has a great talent for cutting through BS and getting to the root of an issue.

She helped me refocus on what was actually important when I was going through a bit of a crisis. My story about how things "should" be were in the way of what I truly wanted and working with Willo made me think differently and change my actions accordingly.

My behaviours and attitude are now much more in line with my values and I'm incredibly happy that I worked with Willo to get through that tough time.

Recently I experienced the power of a coaching session with Willo and
am in awe of how she was able to pull the articulation of my gifts right out of me.

I have been grappling with professional career choices for years, and after sharing my personal challenges around it all she started asking me questions and speaking reflective statements back of what I had shared with her. It sounds so simple, but her reflections and questions were so insightful that I felt like it was unwinding a knot inside of me.

Suddenly I could really feel the energy shifting as she worded something so pointedly that it directed me deep into myself. The next thing I knew I was getting chills and speaking all this truth from my gut, and tears were flowing down my face at the truth of what was revealed. I felt a huge shift and awakening to who I am and my purpose, and Willo held this space of safety while being like an alchemist - facilitating the unearthing of a stone in my gut and turning it to light!

Alchemy, I just can't think of a better word - there was this "whhoooosh" energy, like a waterfall of truth hitting me and cleansing from the inside.

I'm excited for more sessions with Willo the Alchemist 🙂 She is one of a kind!

Aletha McGee
Writer, Singer, Explorer & Philosopher

Thank You

I am humbled, honored and grateful for the opportunity to walk on your path with you!

Feeling inspired to share your experience?

If one of our conversations - or one of my talks, articles or videos - helped you in some way, somewhere along your journey, I would love to hear about it!

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