A year from now you will wish you had started today - WilloLovesYou.com

A year from now you will wish you had started today

I have been doing a lot of inner work in the last couple years. Listening very closely to the creative guidance within me, so that I may lead a happy life, and within that, a satisfying career.

Recently I made a commitment to listen really closely to my ‘if onlys’ and I feel like, with this intention, every day I get clearer on what drives me; what my purpose is here, and how I can truly serve the universe with the unique gifts I have been given.

Right Now Is All We Have
Today, right now, I don’t need awards or trophies or badges. What’s important is that I’m happy. I am healthy physically/emotionally/mentally, and I have amazing friends and a loving family. I have a beautiful little home and a sweet loving kitty. I have listened to my heart and my creativity close enough to know who I am and what’s important to me in my life. I am making choices every day to give myself the life I want today. Not next month or next year, but really being present and creating the life I want in the everyday.

If this hits home for you, or there has been some part of you longing to do something that you haven’t done yet, simply start by making a commitment to listen. Listen to your heart. Listen to the ‘if onlys’. Listen to the small little voice within you that keeps piping up every once and awhile and is just hoping and praying you’ll stop, get quiet and take the time to listen.

What small thing can you do today to start listening?
Ask yourself what that might be for you. For me, it’s writing. Writing is a powerful tool for listening to the small voices within that are trying to be heard. Start with writing down your “if onlys.” What are the things you wish you were doing? If it were up to you (hint: it is), what would your life look like?

Most importantly, stop comparing yourself to others. “They” are not you. You are the only one who is exactly YOU. You are unique. That’s why it’s extremely important to listen to what YOU want.

Remember, it all starts right here. Right now. You can start doing one little thing every day that will take you closer to where you want to be a year from now. You gotta start somewhere! Now is the time.

I offer consulting and coaching for those who want support as they walk through this process. It can sometimes be difficult to untangle it all ourselves. Work with me and we’ll find the clarity around how you can get closer to making your “if onlys” a reality. Contact me and let’s talk.

About the Author

Willo Sana has been empowering entrepreneurs who are standing on the precipice of their next level for over 20 years. An international keynote speaker and sought-after Transformational Business Coach, Willo's experienced and intuitive guidance has served as a catalytic force for visionary business owners around the world. Anticipation is building for Willo's upcoming book, Double Down on Your Genius: Own Your Gifts, Align Your Actions, and Flourish in Your Calling, set to release in 2023.

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