LightMap Last Chance - WilloLovesYou
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Registration for the LightMap® 8-Week Live Online Coaching Program is




LightMap® Guidance System

  • Eight Weekly Live Group Coaching Calls ($4000 Value)
  • Bonus Weekly Videos and Workbooks & LightMap Guidance System ($1000 Value)
  • Online Community for Discussion, Accountability & Support ($500 Value)



* NEW! *
Payment Plan Option

  • Making this LightMap Program accessible to anyone who's ready for their next level right now!

$927 x 3



(Valued at $4000)

The live calls are where the magic happens. 

  • You have access to eight (8) Live video conference calls where you get high-touch, personalized support that is relevant for where YOU are RIGHT NOW and where YOU want to go.

  • You’ll be in a (Zoom) room full of other supportive, ambitious, entrepreneurial women who are doubling down on their genius and committed to sharing their brilliant work with the world, just like you. 
  • We’ll spend 60-90 minutes together every week, kicking every call off with the weekly topic that’s specifically designed with the purpose-driven, creative business owner in mind!

  • You’ll have space to ask questions and receive Willo’s 1:1 coaching and support, as well as receive the insightful support of your community of new friends - your fellow Badass Activators & Conscious Creators on the path!

BONUS WEEKLY Videos & Workbooks

(Valued at $1000)

"How does this program work?"

  • Every week, you’ll gain access to a series of value-packed videos & workbooks on specific topics that will support you for where you are in the LightMap process.
  • Trainings and guidance designed with YOU in mind. From tips for focus and guiding you through exercises for calming your anxiety and mindfully prioritizing when you’re feeling tsunami’d by all the things -to- knowing when, how, and where to hire -to- strategic guidance for lead generation, sales & marketing, and much more.

  • All of which you can ask questions about in the community to ignite more perspectives and support, and have Willo respond directly to you!
  • I support FOCUS more than anything, and ultimately the most important thing is that you’re making progress and receiving the emotional and strategic support YOU need in order to move the needle forward on YOUR business.
  • If that’s ever not happening, then you know we’ve got another Live Weekly Support Call coming up where you can wave the white flag and get support on what’s coming up for you. You’re not alone here, and no problem is too big, no question too silly, no challenge too difficult.

  • I’ve seen it all and can support you with the full gamut of fears, obstacles, challenges, etc. I’ve got you!


(Valued at $500)

We need safe spaces for support & reflection

  • As women, we need to connect with each other to grow, inspire, encourage, and support another through the various challenges that come our way on this path.
  • Especially as independent trailblazers, we have a tendency to work in our own little bubbles, which can be great for the most part, until it’s not and it begins to feel isolating and overwhelming.

  • We not only need safe spaces, we need spaces where we can be surrounded by a like-minded community of wise, mature, purpose-driven movers & shakers who are also committed to growth and transforming their lives and businesses!
  • In addition to the other brilliant women in the group - who will quickly become new and life-long friends - Willo will also be available to answer your questions, give feedback on anything you’re working on, and help you work through anything that comes up in the time between live calls.

  • Lastly, because the name of the game is focus, this group will NOT be on Facebook. Instead, I use Slack for all community conversation, which helps us all stay focused and yet still have an awesome platform for staying connected.


"Working with Willo has impacted my life and business by allowing me to play big. One of my favorite parts about working with Willo is her calm, patient presence, and intuitive ability to guide me in my business.

I am actively moving forward toward what I want to create in my life with solid, simple steps!"

"One of my favorite parts of working with Willo was how much permission I got to be myself. I was at a stage where I was following other people's systems and I was feeling very behind because of all the possibilities out there. Willo's art of breaking down things into the simplest way forward was very useful, and the way that set me up for great accountability."

Ying Han

CEO & Best-Selling Author

There’s no way I could summarize all that’s about to happen for you in the LightMap® program because...


Willo Sana

Willo Sana has been called an Oracle, an Alchemist, a Liberator, and a Doula for Hatching Big Ideas. Her experienced guidance and masterful facilitation of individuals and groups is rooted in compassionate commitment, conscious mindset/behavior rewiring, and channeled energy transmissions, all of which playfully inspire, cultivate, and strengthen our relationship with self/divine spirit.

As a seasoned entrepreneur, Willo has continually faced her fears, followed her heart, and founded over half-a-dozen creative businesses over the last 20+ years. Through her speaking, coaching, and writing, she serves as a dynamic catalyst for high-profile leaders and rapidly evolving spiritual visionaries – including best-selling authors, TEDx speakers, psychologists, naturopaths, healers, coaches, lightworkers, and more.

Willo's grand vision for creating heaven on earth is that we all wake up and recognize we’ve been uniquely placed here, at this moment in time, to share our unique gifts with each other; thereby cultivating more peace, compassion, and meaningful connection.

Whether your genius is to love, heal, inspire, transform, teach, or ignite a revolution… NOW is the time!

Her upcoming book, Double Down on Your Genius: Own Your Gifts, Align Your Actions, and Flourish in Your Calling, will be released January 2024.


"What time are the live calls?"

If you live anywhere in North or South America or East Asia/Australia/New Zealand, the call times will work for you!  Most of the calls will be on Tuesday 5pm PT, with only a few rescheduled to Thursdays during the holidays. To receive a complete schedule of the calls, please email and ask.

"What if I feel like I don't have time for this?"

Consciously choosing to enroll in LightMap means stepping into a container that will support you in working on your yourself and on your business, in order to get off the hamster wheel and create the space required to take your business to the next level. 

I work with many busy, successful entrepreneurs, and they all have hired me because they too don't have time to waste. They know the value of this kind of support and guidance in order to ensure they're not unnecessarily spinning their wheels, coasting, or making inefficient choices that won't get them where they want to go.

I've designed this 8-Week Program with FOCUS in mind. It's not another online course where you have to sit through a bunch of videos to get the value. The juice is really in the live coaching calls. This is high-level support, guidance, and accountability - with an experienced facilitator and coach - that will help you get the clarity, emotional support, and specific strategy YOU need to move your business forward. 

There will be a few key videos and workbooks to get you started. Beyond that, the rest of the content is a bonus and available for reference if/when you need it - only the ones aligned for where you are in your business (which I can guide you to)!

Bottom line is as long as you're able to make most of the group calls, LightMap WILL be clarifying and supportive for you. There is no “falling behind” here (we feel enough of that in life already, am-I-right?).

If you aren't willing to make time for the weekly calls (90-minutes every week for 8 weeks), then this may not be right for you... but don't let that be an excuse that holds you back. If you have to miss a call, you'll receive a recording. So, if you can commit to spending even 2 hours a week total on this, it will be worth it. 

As the saying goes though, the more you put into it, the more you get out of it... and I am here to support you 100%! 

"What is your refund policy?"

I do not offer refunds for LightMap. Actually, all of my coaching & mentoring programs are non-refundable. I do this for a reason, so I'm glad you asked!

First, I have zero doubt that the work you will do in LightMap will be transformational for you no matter what. It has been for many before you, and it is designed to work for individuals at ALL stages of your business journey - particularly those in Foundation & Momentum as detailed in the LightMap framework above. 

We have 8 weeks together, but between the guidance and trainings you receive, the epiphanies you have, the relationships you build, and the progress you make... the impact lasts a lifetime!  

Remember, this is not a cookie cutter program... this is high touch personalized support & guidance in a safe container. 

That said, I dually respect that you are discerning, and that you may be concerned if you invest now that this means you may not having a way 'out.' Especially if you're new to me & my work. Heck, it feels like a big leap even to those who have known me for years & trust me really well... but this is because this marks a courageous investment in YOU!

If you do want to familiarize yourself more with me and my work, there are many free resources on my site and social profiles that will help. Just don't get distracted by consuming that if you know that what you REALLY will benefit from is this dedicated support. 

This isn't another program you can throw money away on and have it sit on your hard drive (I mean, you could... but I don't think either of us want that). This is about you showing up on behalf of your ideas, yourself, your business, and your heart  - which knows that even if this feels a little scary, it's in a good way... like butterflies-in-your-tummy because it's an exciting new adventure. 

Most people think they're not ready, but 99% of the time that's just another fear holding you back. Trust yourself that you know what feels right & if you're feeling like this is it, then take the bold leap to enroll and lovingly call in the support you've been longing for! 

We will be working together, so it just as important to me that this is a fit as it is to you. Therefore, if you have any questions, or you're simply not sure and want to talk it through, I openly invite you to start a chat with me and/or book a call. I've opened up as much time in my calendar as possible within these 48 hours in order to make this possible!  

Note: If you absolutely cannot find a time on my calendar within these 48 hours, and you book in a call now with the intention of wanting to claim this deal once you ensure it is right for you, I will honor it for you while we're on the call.

I have zero interest in selling you something that's not aligned for you. So, if you're feeling drawn to it, and just have a few questions... take a moment to ask.  

There are no refunds for LightMap. Therefore, if you choose the payment plan, you will be responsible for making all the payments, regardless of your participation. 

Again, I am confident LightMap will be transformational for you, and a big part of that is because this is about you stepping up and committin g to yourself to realize the change you want to create in your life and business. Fully committing is how you get the MOST out of this program.

I put 100% into this, and as soon as you step in, me & my team are supporting you! We want to see you put both feet in 100% as well, because we know that when you do... you move mountains! 

"Is this for women only?"

Yes, for now, this particular 8-week LightMap program is only open to those who identify as women.

This was a bit of a tough decision to make, as I have had the honor of working with many amazing male entrepreneurs, and still do in my one-on-one coaching! I've even exchanged a few kind emails from the men in my community about this, which I have taken to heart. I love that my work is resonating for so many creatives out there - men & women alike - and I will continue to listen to the requests of the brilliant, heart-centered visionaries who are called to work with me.

Ultimately, I guide and coach more of "The Feminine Way" of doing business. Which, in particular, supports women who are more interested in Alignment vs Hustle; and for those who have been working way too long in "The Masculine Way" of Doing, and are ready to step into more Receiving, Flow, and Being as they allow their gifts to come through them. 

This doesn't mean it's one or the other (Masculine or Feminine), it means having a healthy integration of Doing and Being, which I think we're all learning (or unlearning, as it were). This is also not to say that this 'way' wouldn't also be beneficial for men. It very much is, and I know many amazing men who are modeling this integration beautifully! 

I am passionate about creating safe spaces for women, to heal and re-learn what it means to be connected and supportive of each other, and help each other RISE UP. I do a lot in this space, and it's become apparent to me time-and-time again how transformational it is. If you are a man witnessing groups of women coming together, I hope you will show your support. 

"How do I know LightMap is right for me?"

If you've found yourself reading through a most of the information of this page to get all the details, and you're asking yourself this question... that's a pretty good sign that it is! 

If you are resonating with this, but have concerns or questions, don't hesitate to start a chat with me, book a call, or email and ask.

Don't let fear or ego hold you back from what's possible. There's no shame in asking for support Trust the call and act on behalf of it by getting the information you need to make a decision. 

© Willo&Co LLC